Baiting the hook for yoyo fishing in the anchorage.
Batting moon jellies away from the diver on the ladder.
Billy checks out his moon jelly stings.
Billy and his tuna! Finally we break the “no fish” streak this week!
Justin has a little bloody nose from pushing to hard to equalize. Megan counsels him on how to avoid this.
Brian took a hard few hits from the jellies, too. Many did! Vinegar and bactine to the rescue!
Anchor watch briefing.
Cameron returns from a dive.
The galley is a little tight for some guys. Cameron is one of those…..
Cameron is also a team leader aboard, and here he helps with role call after a dive.
Changing tanks.
More changing tanks.
Mr Smiley!
Dave rescued someones fin!
Perfect giant stride from Diver Dave!
Denny and Dave yuck it up!
Denny prepares the anchor for deployment.
Diver Dave!
See the fish in the water splashing about! We haven’t caught a keeper yet! But have faith, we’ve not been skunked yet!
Fishing as we motor along.
Gearing up for diving.
Getting ready to dive Sombrero Reef.
More gearing.
Great giant stride!
Grace is helped along by a cheat sheet with the “Keys Blessing”.
Fortunately, there is a rail that Hermes cannot jump over. He does not like it when divers go into the water. In his little mind, why would we jump off a perfectly good boat!
Pin fish in the bait bucket. Hopefully we’ll catch a shark tonight with “Lucky.”
The jellies are somewhat difficult to see, but this is what it has been looking like every dive. They are the size of a dinner plate.
And they sting! The under side of the bell has fine tendril tentacles that pack a whollop if you contact those.
Here they are drifting by the ladder.
Here’s Dave swimming under the jellies.
Cameron got stung on the leg. And a few other places.
This guy got stung on saturday back at Sea Base doing the swim review.
Justin caught a bait fish.
More on our impromptu methods of helping the divers up the ladder avoid the jellies.
Those darn things are hard to avoid if even a little current is running. Simply because of the time it takes to get your fins off and hoist yourself up the rungs.
Here we are looking for a “window” in the nonstop stream of jellies just to jump in without landing on one!
More jelly control measures!
They are not so thick in this picture as they sometimes are!
Another nice sunset.
Parker returns.
Capturing the capturing of the sunset!
He can barely see over the compass!
More at the helm!
More steering.
Reeling in the big one!
Justing removes the hook from his pin fish.
Hook removal.
Mr Smiley
Mr Smiley
See the bubbles in the foreground….Those are our divers trying to avoid jellies! 🙂
Tuna on the line.
First day, lots on the tagline.
Here is a handline we use for fishing. We call them “yoyo’s”.
More yoyo fishing.
Some call the yoyo’s Cuban reels.
This is about the size of what we catch with the yoyos.
Yoyos with yoyos!
Everyone love to fish with them!
More adventures from the Schooner Conch Pearl, the liveaboard boat for Florida Sea Base. Sailing and diving in the Key West area.
4 thoughts on “Troop from Maryland”
Thanks for sharing photos and comments. It is great to see the boys having a good time…. too bad about all the jelly stings. Can’t wait to see more…..
Thanx for posting all the pix of the Md troop’s visit this week. I especially enjoy the detailed commentary that is posted
Great photos of all of us for the folks back home to see what it is like out here – as it happens! You, Capt Denny, Diver Dave, and Megan are making this a memorable week for us. Thanks!
Great pics!! Good to see Ryan’s smiling face!! Loved seeing him holding a dish towel…LOL…
Thanks for sharing photos and comments. It is great to see the boys having a good time…. too bad about all the jelly stings. Can’t wait to see more…..
Thanx for posting all the pix of the Md troop’s visit this week. I especially enjoy the detailed commentary that is posted
Great photos of all of us for the folks back home to see what it is like out here – as it happens! You, Capt Denny, Diver Dave, and Megan are making this a memorable week for us. Thanks!
Great pics!! Good to see Ryan’s smiling face!! Loved seeing him holding a dish towel…LOL…