More adventures aboard the Schooner Conch Pearl, running scuba liveaboard excursions for the Florida National High Adventure Seabase.
A little nose bleed.
Bonding time.
Boys in charge.
Ready to rumble!
Back from the action!
Briefing on dock for the midweek evening at dock.
Changing out empties for full cylinders.
Setting bcd up on a freshly filled scuba cylinder.
Smile for the camera!
Pre dive.
Mike surveys the scene.
Dinner line.
Gathering at the line that leads to the ladder.
Shiver me timbers!
Cousin It!
Going down for the night dive.
Every night this week we’ve had dinner after dark, because the days are so short.
Hauling up the mask dip bucket.
Everyone is looking at dolphins swimming on the bow of the boat. I didn’t make it up there in time to get a photo…
Duct tape makes an excellent chafe guard–if you know how to use it!
What you cannot tell from this picture is that Jackson is heaving the contents of his stomach. Into the end of the rainbow, no less!
The tag line is a complicated affair.
Evan heading down below for some quality reading! (tell ’em, Evan!)
Setting fenders at the dock.
Getting into a tight wetsuit requires flexibility.
Bringing down the staysail
Head plant!
Gearing up
Great giant stride!
Hermes keeping watch.
Returning from the dive.
Crazy beast!
Hoisting the mainsail.
Cheese bomb!
Father son teamwork.
Kirk and Evan securing gear to the line.
Happy Divemaster!
Oops! Forgot to put on the weight belt first.
Perfect giant stride, Mike!
Briefing for the night dive.
The boys spent a lot of time doing this!
Father son teamwork, take two!
Nick was a natural at steering!
And diving, too!
Captain Denny briefs the night divers.
Where are all the boys? (downstairs……cards, sleeping, reading….)
Do that voodoo you do so well!
More puppy love!
The push up challenge!
Will is in, too!
Nick gives it his all!
Older stamina prevails!
Readying the chain to deploy the anchor.
Hydrate or die!
It was a challenge to rinse off, because everyone was always cold after the dives.
Post dive equipment securing.
Lovely sunset.
Surface swim.
Another surface swim.
Everyone loves Hermes, right Taylor?!?
Even more puppy love!
This is what the dive site looks like from the boat—Toppino’s Buoy.
And if you don’t fasten the strap properly, this is what happens to your tank during a dive.
The tanks are warm after filling them. And Will liked to cuddle!
Howdy, again!
Here is what a night dive looks like from the deck. It is easy to see where the divers are as long as they keep their lights on!
Will returns from a snorkel at Sombrero.
Instructor Will returns from a dive
Getting the wetsuit zipped!