Last night’s dive on Looe Key was a hit! Conditions were great, with good water clarity and flat seas. Everyone enjoyed the dive, some saying “It’s one of the coolest things I’ve ever done!” Evan was the only one to admit a little anxiety before going in—and being nervous in the water, though more for his mates than himself. He described it as his “maternal instincts”! That boy is the life of the party—true chuckle-head, he is! Though water and air temperatures were comfortable, most folks enjoyed a cup of hot chocolate on the ride back into the anchorage. We dropped the hook near Key Lois, one of the more remote anchorages visit. Without a lot of light pollution, the star gazing is incredible there. It was a beautiful night.

This morning we got moving after breakfast, and returned to Looe Key for one more dive. These guys are really lucking out with conditions, because visibility was again very good. Denny had planned on two dives at Looe, because it’s just that beautiful of a site. But the boys (being boys) decided Looe Key was a great spot to jump off the side of the boat instead of spending the time scuba diving! So another hour or more was spent whooping, hollering and generally acting a fool as they leapt, pushed and sometimes even dove off the boat. When they finally had worn themselves out, we dropped the mooring line and made way back towards the west. Tonight is our midweek break, spent at the dock on Stock Island (next to the island of Key West). We did try to catch another fish as we sailed along, but it wasn’t to be.

Once we docked at our slip, everyone piled off the Conch Pearl to head up to the showers. It’s a sweet luxury after a few days of rinsing off on deck with the hose. After dinner on deck, we celebrated our scuba instructor’s birthday! Megan turned a quarter century today, hip, hip, hooray! We all sang to her, and blew our little paper party horns (probably not my best choice—but the guys were incredibly enthusiastic with them) and then ate some tasty ice cream cake! Now they are off on walk about—a convenience store is nearby. They’ll likely be sporting quite the sugar high tonight!

And so we end another day aboard the Conch Pearl…..Holley
Thanks for the updates, love seeing the photos and hearing about your adventures. Looks like you are having a rough time boys!?!?! What FUN!