He’s rabbit earing himself out of guilt for doing it to his buddy earlier!
Andrew has a great giant stride.
Big baracuda!
The fish’s head is bigger than either guy!
Big scene when the baracuda lands on deck.
At Sombrero Reef Lighthouse, Benjamin assist William.
A little blacktip shark we caught on Monday night, 3:30am to be exact. Not a single boy got up to reel it in, or even to just see it! Tired little buggers are worn out and the game has just begun!
While all the adults are on deck enjoying the boat ride, our scouts are down below playing cards. What are they thinking? It’s a scout thing?!?!
We use frisbees as our paper plate holders. These fine fellows are cleaning them after lunch so they will be ready to use again at dinnertime.
Colin pre-dive.
Andrew feels guilty later!
Just after a big baracuda is brought aboard, these clever fellows decide to get their toes off deck level!
Dave returns!
General scene of life aboard.
Divers at Looe Key, I think it is Ian and his dad Mike.
Making the slow, safe ascent to the surface.
French Angelfish at Looe Key
Goofy boys playing cards down below instead of enjoying the deck breezes!
William has a good giant stride here. He’s been known to hop like a bunny to avoid the moon jellies.
A goliath grouper visited us a Looe Key.
It is hard to get perspective on how big he is, but truly he’s about the size of a sofa!
Still, hard to show you how big this old boy is…..
Here he is with his groupies.
I have noticed a tendency for Ian to go goofy when the camera is pointed his way….
After a dive, everyone waits on the tagline for their turn on the ladder.
Hermes is often known to use Megan as his personal lounge chair.
Again, goofy…..
Finally, Ian gets serious for a fish.
Lots of cameras are out when a fish in on the line!
Jaguar shark! Look out Steve Zizou is after you!
Jaguar shark preparing to snorkel!
Jellies are still plaguing us.
Attention must be paid every moment you are in the water.
For something that really cannot swim against the current, these darned things really sneak up on you!
Merry with the assist.
Tuesday night, we caught a big baracuda in the Key Lois anchorage.
Miss Megan at sunset.
Mermaids were to be seen at the reef today.
Merry is ready to dive!
Mike is about to splash.
Mike and his impromptu lighting system!
Father son moment goes GOOFY (again)
Great giant stride from Long Island!
Long Island Mike reeling like he means it!
Here’s the catch, William is witness!
Scoutmaster after a dive.
Phil putting on his dive stockings!
Sir Barksalot!
Beautiful sunset for the gang at Key Lois.
This is the under side of flips off the boat!
William and his tuna.
William is always ready to smile!
Wiliam working the reel.
More boy scout adventures aboard the liveaboard Schooner Conch Pearl, in the Florida Keys!
4 thoughts on “Troop from Seattle WA Tuesday”
Again, my pleasure. The Troop just finished a night dive on Western Sambos. Quite exciting! Ask Phil about the moon jellies…
Thanks for posting all the pictures. It is fun to keep track of what my guys (Phil and Benjamin) are doing. I can tell they are having a blast!!
Again, my pleasure. The Troop just finished a night dive on Western Sambos. Quite exciting! Ask Phil about the moon jellies…
Thanks for posting all the pictures. It is fun to keep track of what my guys (Phil and Benjamin) are doing. I can tell they are having a blast!!
My pleasure!
Thanks for the pics! As always they are great!