Looking for lobster from the surface. If you notice, our guys and gals are snorkeling. Sea Base policy requires us to only snorkel, even though we do scuba. People tend to push themselves beyond the limit when lobstering with scuba gear.
Cleaning up after tailing all the lobster. The bucket is full of tails.
This is just a great photo. It was a little choppy when we were lobstering.
Dave scores!
Lobstering takes a lot of patience, but it pays off in the end.
Free diving down to find the “bugs.”
Flamingo tongues on a sea fan.
Everyone swimming out to do battle with the lobsters!
Galley duty. Everyone takes a turn at cooking and cleanup! Even those who are a little too tall to fit in the galley.
Staging the victory picture.
Giant stride without the scuba tank!
Victory picture!
Handing up the bugs.
Ready for the hunt!
Got one!
Starting to fill the cooler. Eventually we caught 21 lobsters!
The “bugs” hide under rock ledges. It takes considerable effort to dive to the bottom and peer under the rock. Then you gotta run a tickle stick in behind them and scoop them up with a net as they run out.
Denny gives lessons for lobstering.
More de-veining.
Mike and Phil were very persistent in their endeavors.
Measuring the catch to see if it is legal size to keep.
Laying out the catch.
Megan and Dave in action.
Megan is a great “bug” hunter!
And she is quite photogenic, too!
Another keeper!
Is it a keeper?
Mike and Phil go head over heels for this sport!
And he scores!
Time to measure….
Still at it!
Sending them to the cooler.
And again…..
Looking, looking….
More looking.
Topping off the water cooler.
On the hunt.
The booty caught on Wednesday!
Everyone has to help clean the catch.
It’s not as easy to lobster as one might suppose…..
Mike and Phil were hard core! The thrill of the chase never grew old!
More boy scout adventures aboard the liveaboard Schooner Conch Pearl, in the Florida Keys!